Almost every Blogger now uses Twitter to share their latest posts. This gadget will list a number (You can choose how many) of your latest tweets on your blogs sidebar or any gadget section. The widget uses Twitter API to pull your latest Read more
Blogger Widgets | Tips | Tricks | Templates : Way2Blogging
Latest Blog Tips & Gadgets
by Harish in Blogger Widgets, Twitter
Almost every Blogger now uses Twitter to share their latest posts. This gadget will list a number (You can choose how many) of your latest tweets on your blogs sidebar or any gadget section. The widget uses Twitter API to pull your latest Read more
by Harish in Blogger Widgets, Twitter
Twitter Follow Button is Twitter Official button released, and is very similar to Retweet button but here it is Follow button with Single Click to follow on Twitter. there is another options included to show the Number of Followers in our Read more
by Harish in Blogger Widgets, Twitter
Flying Twitter Bird widgets for blogger, in my previous post i give this awesome widget and i am getting spectacular response from you. previously, the twitter bird has two types based on tweet text. Read more
by Harish in Blogger Widgets, Twitter
Static Twitter Follow Me Badge for blogger. Twitter is large social networking site and has a million's of users. Many Bloggers are using twitter to promote their blogs. It is a Flash based widget and developed for for Wordpress by WPBURN. Read more
by Harish in Blogger Hacks, Blogger Widgets, Twitter
Animated Flying Twitter Bird Widget For Blogger. The bird flying animated effect by JavaScript Hack and when you scroll the page Up or Down, twitter bird will come in front of your page. The bird found itself as the "follow me" link on the Read more
by Harish in Blogger Widgets, Twitter
Add retweet button to each Blogger post, Retweet button for blogs and websites which enables easily tweet their content on twitter. If you have useful content in your blog, other twitter users retweet your content to their twitter will Read more
by Harish in Blogger Tips, Blogger Widgets, Twitter
Hi friends âTweet thisâ button will enable your readers to share your post with other Twitter users. This will help promote your blog and possibly increase your Twitter followers. This button will appear at the bottom area of each post. Read more